Tips For Caring For Your Elderly Loved One In Extreme Winter Weather


When you have an elderly loved one who is still living in their own home, you may find yourself increasingly concerned with their health and safety. This can be particularly true in the winter months as harsh cold temperatures, snow, ice, and extreme storms can make daily living tasks and travel difficult for your elderly loved one. Get to know more about providing your elderly loved one with the care and assistance that they need during the winter months so that you can rest easy knowing that they are safe and well cared for.

Have A Caregiver Backup Plan


If you have already hired a supportive in-home care provider or service to help your loved one with their daily living tasks and to provide them with everyday assistance and care, you will want to come up with a backup plan for inclement weather. While the caregivers you hire are dedicated to providing your loved one with reliable and timely care, extreme winter weather can cause car accidents, impassible roads for caregivers, or any number of hazards. This can make it so the most dedicated caregiver is late or unable to get to your loved one.

You should always have a backup plan in place in such circumstances. If you hired a home care services company for your loved one, ask them what their policy is for caregivers who are unable to work due to extreme weather or an accident on their way to work. Generally, they have on-call workers who can cover those shifts and get to your loved one within a reasonable amount of time.

You may also want to make arrangements with your loved one's neighbors to check in on them when the weather gets bad to make sure caregivers are with them and that their needs are being tended to. Always have an alternative nursing services care plan for such emergencies just in case winter weather causes trouble and delays. If all else fails, you want to be sure that your loved one has a charged cellular phone with them at all times in case of emergency situations. That way, if they are trapped and the power goes out, you may still be able to contact them and send emergency services if they are in need of assistance.

Now that you have a few ideas of how to provide your elderly loved one with the best possible in-home care during the winter months, you can be sure to take the steps necessary to protect your loved one during the cold season. You can ever try a professional like Alternative Nursing Services.


29 January 2016

Exploring The Assisted Living Facility Options

Hello, I am Dylan. When my remaining grandparent injured his hip, I was determined to help him achieve the best possible outcome. I knew the risks of letting him live alone in his house, so I offered to move in. He was adamant that I stay in my home, which inspired me to take him to visit assisted living facilities to help him remain living on his own without the risks. The assisted living units were perfect for his needs and we found one quickly. I want to use this site to help other people identify ideal assisted living facilities for themselves or their loved ones. Thank you for visiting my site.